Design and Analysis of a Double-stator Linear oscillator with Hybrid Lamination for Stirling power system
ID:104 Submission ID:104 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-06-18 18:16:29 Hits:1048 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 16:09 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[SP] Poster Session » [P3] Poster Session 5 & 6

In general, the circular lamination is used in tradition linear machine, several voids are produced in outside stators which decrease the core utilization and flux density in air gap. To address this problem, a double-stator tubular linear oscillator based on hybrid laminated structure (HL-DSTLO) is proposed. The HL-DSTLO is constituted of two stators and a permanent magnets mover. The teeth and yoke of the outer stator lamination in a separated formation, and the teeth is separated in direction of axial and circular to laminate, meanwhile, circular split lamination method is applied in the inner stator. The paper forces on the main electromagnetic features of the HL-DSTLO. The operation principle based on the flux path analysis is presented, and the influence of structural parameters on the electromagnetic properties are discussed by using finite-element method. Finally, the experimental result was analysed to confirm the prediction of the FEA.
double-stator tubular linear oscillator, hybrid lamination,electromagnetic
Rong Guo
Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Submission Author
Rong Guo Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
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