Useful Information

  Time Difference

China is 8 hours ahead of GMT (Standard time)

  Passport & Visa

All foreign visitors entering the People's Republic of China must possess a valid passport. Delegates, except those from countries who have visa exemption agreements with China, should apply to a Chinese diplomatic mission in their countries for visas prior to departure. For details, delegates are advised to view the website at here.

  Electricity Supply

The standard electrical supply is 220 volts AC/50 cycles. Most hotels may provide outlet converters for 110 and 220 volts. Be careful and ask before plugging in a 110 volt appliance.

  Foreign Exchange

The monetary unit is the Yuan (CNY). The real-time exchange rate is advised to inquire via the link.


Wuhan has entered the summer in July. In most years, Wuhan averages a daily maximum temperature for July that's between 91 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit (33 to 35 degrees Celsius). The minimum temperature usually falls between 78 and 82 °F (26 to 28 °C).  The real-time weather is advised to inquire via the link.


Tipping is not a traditional Chinese custom.

  Useful Phone Numbers

Police: 110

Fire: 119

Medical Emergency: 120

Local Directory Assistance: 114