Comparative Analysis of Double-sided Permanent Magnet Linear Machines with 120° Phase Belt Toroidal and Concentrated Windings
Submission ID:135 View Protection:PUBLIC
Updated Time:2021-06-26 19:44:00
Poster Presentation
In this article, a 120° phase belt toroidal winding (120°-TW) is presented and adopted in a double-sided permanent magnet linear synchronous machine (DSPMLSM). First, the structure of the proposed machine is introduced and the synthetic electromotive force is illustrated. Besides, its operation principle is analyzed by describing the variation in the armature magnet field versus time. Second, based on the similar volume and magnetic load, the DSPMLSM with 120°-TW and concentrated windings (CW) is designed. Then, the finite-element models (FEMs) of the DSPMLSM with 120°-TW (120°-TWDSPMLSM) and CW (CWDSPMLSM) are established to analyze the air-gap flux density, back-electromotive force (back-EMF), detent force, thrust, efficiency, etc. Finally, the results show that the thrust density of the 120°-TWDSPMLSM is higher than that of CWDSPMLSM under about the same electronic load, and the efficiency of the 120°-TWDSPMLSM is higher than that of CWDSPMLSM in approximately the same thrust.
120° phase belt toroidal windings,comparative analysis,double-sided permanent magnet linear motor,operation principle,thrust density
Submission Author
Rui Nie
Zhengzhou University
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