Mechanical Construction and Bearing Function Integration in Tubular Linear Flux Switching Machines
ID:250 Submission ID:250 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-06-19 16:58:44 Hits:1038 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 14:20 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Concurrent Session 2 » [S2-2] Oral Session 8 & 10 & Industry Session

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In this contribution, the integration of bearing function within tubular linear (TL) flux switching (FS) permanent magnet (PM) machines (TLFSPM machines) is discussed. This integration allows reducing the machines volumes and therefore increasing the force density. The bearing function integration is reviewed, and some concepts are discussed in the case of TLFSPM machines. The goal here is not to present a final design which has proven to be feasible and reliable, but rather to discuss the concept, and stimulate new ideas.
Tubular linear flux switching machines, bearings function, integration, power density
Yacine AMARA
GREAH / Université Le Havre Normandie

Submission Author
Yacine AMARA GREAH / Université Le Havre Normandie
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