An Acceleration Method for AC Steady State Performance of Dual three-phase Machine:Modeling and Implementation
Submission ID:261 View Protection:PUBLIC
Updated Time:2021-06-18 18:15:50 Hits:565
Poster Presentation
A finite-element model for calculation of AC steady-state performance in dual three-phase machine is presented. This paper proposes a method to solve the length of transient response time in the time-stepping finite element analysis (TSFEA). It is based on the initial estimation of magnetic potential and stator winding current under steady-state operation conditions by the circuit and field equations using time-harmonic finite element analysis (THFEA). These values of magnetic potential and stator winding current extract from the real and imaginary part in a time-harmonic solver injected into the zero-state govern equation called the “zero-state initial solver”. The “zero-state initial solver” gives “close-fitting” initial permeabilities, magnetic potential, and stator winding current in the time domain. With the well-precalculated solution, the time of reaching AC the steady-state can be effectively reduced, while the computing time of the central processing unit (CPU) is also substantially decreased. The effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method are verified by comparing it with the conventional method.
dual three-phase machine, AC steady-state, , Time-harmonic finite element analysis, Time-stepping finite element analysis
Submission Author
Yaojing Feng
Hunan University
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