high precision control of flux switching linear rotary permanent magnet machine for reelwinder
ID:274 Submission ID:274 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-06-19 15:35:14 Hits:994 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 15:04 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[SP] Poster Session » [P2] Poster Session 3 & 4

When flux switching linear rotary permanent magnet machine works in linear motion at low speed, there are long response time using space vector pulse width modulation method which is mainly caused by the large amplitude of the detent force. In order to reduce the disturbances, the harmonic injection method and sliding mode variable structure control method are adopted in the paper. An improved periodical adaptive disturbance observer is proposed, which can suppress the pulsation of the motor and retain the torque and thrust output capacity. The stability and accuracy of the system have been greatly improved, which is verified by the experiment test.
flux switching linear rotary permanent magnet machine, adaptive disturbance observer, SVPWM
Kaikai Guo
Anhui University of Science and Technology

Submission Author
Kaikai Guo Anhui University of Science and Technology
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