A Comprehensive Review on the End Effects of Linear Permanent Magnet Machines
Submission ID:287 View Protection:PUBLIC
Updated Time:2021-06-30 21:03:12
Poster Presentation
This paper presents a literature review of relevant contributions found in the literature concerning the end effects with a focus mainly on linear permanent magnet synchronous machines. This work presents a classification of the obtained information to classify the end effects and provides essential information for its understanding, categorization, modeling, mitigation, and control. The causes and consequences of the end effects are presented, according to the geometrical structure. Additionally, the main approaches for end effects modeling are discussed. Also, several existing techniques for mitigation of consequences of end effects are presented, considering changes in the machine geometry or in the electromagnetic structure, and electronic compensation using control techniques. The control of linear machines accounting for end effects, and compensation to achieve better performance to mitigate negative impacts on machine characteristics are also addressed.
end effects, linear permanent magnet machines, literature review, mitigation of end effects
Submission Author
Paulo Eckert
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
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