A Novel Long Stator Linear Doubly-Fed Motor for High-Speed Maglev with Integrated Suspension, Propulsion and Contactless Power Supply
ID:317 Submission ID:317 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-06-19 16:58:37 Hits:1173 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 09:10 (Asia/Shanghai)


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The power rails for onboard power supply are needed for TR high-speed maglev based on liner synchronous motor, which brings up the cost increase and decrease of reliability. Aiming to realize the contactless onboard power supply at a low cost, a maglev based on LSLDFM is proposed in this paper, which can integrate the contactless onboard power supply, suspension and propulsion force generation together. The structure, principle and basic operation strategy of the LDFM based maglev is presented. The 2D FEA results verify the effectiveness of the proposed topology.
long stator linear doubly-fed motor, maglev, integrated suspension, propulsion and contactless power supply
Hao Ding
Tongji University

Hao Ding received the Master’s degree at China university of petroleum (east China). He is currently working towards the Ph.D. degree in theSchool of Electronic and Information Engineering,Tongji University, Shanghai, China.His current research interests include design and modeling of linear motor. Email:dinghaope@163.com.

Submission Author
Siyuan Mu Tongji University
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