Start-up Strategy of Modular Free Piston Linear Generator Based on State Identification
ID:324 Submission ID:324 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-06-18 18:15:29 Hits:1077 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 15:13 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[SP] Poster Session » [P2] Poster Session 3 & 4

The modular free piston linear generator (M-FPLG) has the advantages of high efficiency, compact structure and portability, which is suitable for new energy vehicles, emergency power supply, et al. In the start-up phase, the system needs to overcome a lot of gas thrust and friction, while the motor thrust of the M-FPLG is insufficient for the purpose of lightweight design, so it is difficult for the traditional position control strategy to achieve the high compression ratio required during the start. This paper presents a start-up strategy for M-FPLG based on state identification. The starting point is calibrated and analyzed, and the friction is tested and compensated. Simulation analysis and experimental verification are carried out for the proposed control strategy, whose results prove the effectiveness of the control strategy.
state identification, free piston linear generator, start-up control
Chi Zhang
Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering; Chinese Academy of Sciences

Submission Author
Chi Zhang Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering; Chinese Academy of Sciences
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