Use of a Tubular Linear Induction Motor in a HVDC Breaker
ID:352 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-06-29 01:51:35 Hits:1059 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 16:55 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[SP] Poster Session » [P3] Poster Session 5 & 6

The increasing development of the energy harvesting from remote renewable resources (solar cells in deserts or off-shore wind plants) is producing a great interest in multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids. The adoption of this technology relies on the existence of efficient and robust breakers. As known, the interruption of a direct current is harder than an alternate one, because of the absence of a natural zero of the current and because of the typical low impedance of DC systems. This requires the development of ad hoc design of ultra-fast actuators capable to interrupt direct currents at high values of voltage. The aim of this work is to investigate the use of a linear tubular induction motor for this purpose.
Linear induction motor;Equivalent network formulation;HVDC circuit breaker
Antonino Musolino
University of Pisa

Prof. Antonino Musolino graduated (M.Sc.) in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa in 1990, and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1994. Currently he is a full professor of Electrical Machines at the School of Engineering of University of Pisa. His main research interests include the numerical modelling of low frequency formulation of Maxwell equations with application to electromechanical devices (linear motors, magnetic levitation and bearings) and the analysis of Power Line Communication Systems. He has published about 150 papers in scientific journals and conferences and is co-inventor of two international patents on the applications of magneto-rheological fluids. He serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Applied Computational Electromagnetics, and was involved in the organization of several international conferences. He was the principal investigator in research projects funded by public and private institutions, and collaborates as a scientific consultant in the field of applied electromagnetics for private companies.

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