Magnetic field analysis of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor based on the improved complex relative permeance function
ID:66 Submission ID:66 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-06-18 18:16:41 Hits:604 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 14:12 (Asia/Shanghai)


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In order to obtain the magnetic field of permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) considering the slotting effect, an effective analytical model of PMLSM based on the improved the complex relative permeance function is proposed in this paper. The analytical model of slotless PMLSM is firstly predicted by layered method, based on one tooth pitch of the motor as the solution model, the improved complex relative permeance function is obtained. By multiplying the slotless airgap flux density and the improved complex relative permeance function, the radial and tangential components of slotted airgap flux density, and the no-load EMF are derived. The results of finite element method (FEM) validate the accuracy of analytical method. Without the massive computational effort, the proposed analytical method has good simplicity, which is beneficial to the electromagnetic parameters analysis of the PMLSM.
PMLSM, analytical method, complex relative permeance function, magnetic field
Xiaozhuo Xu
Henan Polytechnic University

Submission Author
Xiaozhuo Xu Henan Polytechnic University
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