Quantitative Analysis of Tubular Dual-Armature Switched Flux Permanent Magnet Machines for Shock Absorbers
Submission ID:75 View Protection:PUBLIC
Updated Time:2021-06-18 18:16:36 Hits:556
Poster Presentation
In recent years, dual-armature switched flux permanent magnet machines (DASFPMMs) were proposed, of which both primary and secondary are assembled with armature windings. It showed that such machines enjoy the merits of high force density and good fault tolerant capability. However, the practical significances of DASFPMMs remain unknown. This paper quantitatively analyzes the tubular DASFPMMs for the application of vehicular shock absorbers. The active skyhook strategy is employed to control the machines, and the mover vibration is determined through the test cycle of vehicles. Keeping the damping coefficient components produced by primary and secondary windings equal, the machine parameters are optimized to maximize the total damping coefficient under the specific thermal limitation. The optimized result shows the tubular DASFPMM can exhibit 2295 Ns/m damping coefficient and 1623 kNs/m4 damping density under the 0.24 m/s amplitude vibration velocity and 120 ℃ maximum winding temperature.
dual-armature, permanent magnet (PM), shock absorber, switched flux, tubular machine
Submission Author
Liu Zhang
College of electrical engineering; Zhejiang University
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