Variable Gain Cross-coupling Control System of Dual-axis PM Synchronous Linear Motor Based on Model Predictive Speed and Current Integrated Controller
ID:86 Submission ID:86 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-06-24 20:51:57 Hits:572 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-07-02 14:40 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[SP] Poster Session » [P1] Poster Session 1 & 2

In order to improve the dynamic performance and position tracking accuracy of permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (PMSLM) control system, a variable gain cross-coupling control system of PMSM based on model prediction algorithm was proposed. Firstly, the motion equation of permanent magnet synchronous linear motor is discretized to design the model to predict the integrated controller of velocity and current. In order to improve the contour precision of biaxial PMSM system, a variable gain cross-coupling control algorithm was introduced to enhance the matching degree of biaxial PMSM system. The model prediction velocity and current integrated controller and the variable gain cross-coupling controller were added into the dual-axis PMSM in the Matlab/Simulink simulation software to verify the stability and accuracy of the proposed control algorithm in the dual-axis system. It is verified that the proposed control strategy can accurately track the given position, maintain the stability of the speed, and make the system have a small contour error.
Permanent magnet synchronous linear motor, Biaxial system, Model predictive control, Variable gain cross-coupling control
Zheng LI
prof(professor) Hebei University of science and technology

Zheng LI (M’08) was born in Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China, in 1980. He received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and power electronics and electric drive from Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China, in 2002 and 2007, respectively
   Since 2007, he has been a Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology. From July. 2013 to July. 2014, he has been a visiting scholar and part-time faculty in College of Engineering, Wayne State University, USA. He is the author of more than 240 published papers. His current research interests include design, analysis, and control of novel motors and actuators, intelligent control, and power electronics.

Jinsong Wang
Hebei University of science and technology

Jinsong Wangwas born inBaoding, China in 1998. He received his bachelor'sdegree in automation from Hebei university of science and technology in 2020.
He is currently pursuing a master's degree at Hebei university of science andtechnology.Currently, he is a graduate student at Hebei university of scienceand technology. His research interest includes special motor control and linearmotor drive.

Jinfeng An
Hebei University of science and technology

Jinfang AN was born in Hengshui, China in 1996. He received his bachelor's degree in automation from Hebei University of science and technology in 2019. He is currently pursuing a master's degree at Hebei University of science and technology.
Currently, he is a graduate student in Hebei University of Science and Technology. His research interest includes linear motor control algorithm and motor drive.

Qingshan Zhang
Hebei University of science and technology

Qingshan ZHANG was born in Baoding, China in 1996. He received his bachelor's degree in automation from Hebei University of science and technology in 2019. He is currently pursuing a master's degree at Hebei University of science and technology.
Currently, he is a graduate student at Hebei University of science and technology. His research interest includes special motor control and linear motor drive.

Yiding Zhu
Hebei University of science and technology

Yiding Zhuwas born in Shijiazhuang, China in 1995, and received a bachelor'sdegree in automation from Chongqing University of technology in 2018. He iscurrently studying for a master's degree in Hebei University of science andtechnology.Atpresent, he is a graduate student of Hebei University of science andtechnology. His research interests include the research of special motors andvibration and noise suppression of linear motors.

Submission Author
Zheng LI Hebei University of science and technology
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